Jonathan Drew

Managing Director
Profile / Bio: 

Drew graduated with an MA in Economics from Cambridge University in England and is also qualified as a Chartered Accountant. He started his banking career more than 20 years ago in London and after working in rapidly emerging Latin America and on capital intensive transactions in the Middle East has been based in Hong Kong, China since 1997. During this time, he has been involved in successful transactions across a wide range of sectors including advising on and arranging finance for projects that produce and deliver energy (renewable and non-renewable) as well as a wide range of infrastructure projects in social and education sectors with a focus on resource efficiency and sustainability.


Title Date Learning Materials Topic
Green Bonds: Where are We? Where Next? 23 November 2016 Slides Environment, Finance, Private Sector
Green Bonds: Catalyzing Debt Financing 23 November 2016 Multimedia Environment, Finance, Private Sector
Jonathan Drew | ADB Knowledge Event Repository


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