Bioengineering Nature-Based Solutions for Linear Infrastructure Slope Stabilization and Protection


Bioengineering Nature-Based Solutions for Linear Infrastructure Slope Stabilization and Protection

01 August 2022 to 04 August 2022

Background and Rationale 

Bioengineering's potential contribution to slope stability maintenance and road construction and maintenance in Bangladesh has been known for some time. This contribution was recognized as a nature-based solution (NBS). As a consequence, engineers need to understand and contribute to the implementation of NBS bioengineering works and their effective maintenance. 


To support this initiative, ADB’s technical assistance “REG: Protecting and Investing in Natural Capital in Asia and the Pacific” (TA-9461), administered by the Environment Thematic Group (ETG), conducted bioengineering training with the Local Government Engineering Department (LGED) of Bangladesh. The intervention was to help mainstream NBS through roadside bioengineering in government policies to inform and complement overall project design and implementation. With associated engineering options, roadside bioengineering can increase the resilience of roads to extreme climatic events by providing the surface protection of roadside slopes and riverbanks. 


Target Participation 

This training has been designed to provide the knowledge and skills in bioengineering required by Engineers in the LGED and staff engaged in other work on unstable slopes. It does not seek to provide them with all the skills and answers but to give them the basic knowledge of bioengineering, enabling them to conduct their work more effectively. A range of reference materials will be provided during the training, and further references will be indicated. This material will enable them to research and take forward what they have learned in bioengineering. The training course is designed for Managers and Field Engineers. ADB staff and consultants are welcome to attend and observe the training. 


Objective and Key Takeaways 

The overall objective of this training course is to equip the participants with the knowledge and skills they require for conducting site appraisal and designing, implementing, and managing bioengineering works. The following is the scope of expected knowledge outputs and key takeaways for achieving the overall training objective: 


  1. Slope instability, types, causes, and mechanisms of failure 

  1. Introduction to bioengineering principles and design 

  1. Nursery design, construction, and plant production 

  1. Bioengineering site implementation, management, and maintenance 

  1. Rate analysis norms and standard specifications for bioengineering works 


The Bioengineering Training Team



Program and Learning Materials: 
Date Session / Activity Presentation Material Speaker(s)
01 Aug 2022 1 August 2022 - Day 1: Introduction to bioengineering training course Shankar Rai
01 Aug 2022 [VIDEO] Day 1: Introduction to bioengineering training course
This is a webinar recording of Day 1.
01 Aug 2022 [PRESENTATION] Day 1: Introduction to bioengineering training course
01 Aug 2022 Moderator Mohammad Shariful Islam
01 Aug 2022 Opening of Bioengineering Training Course: Asian Development Bank and Local Government Engineering Department Isao Endo
Gopal Krishna Debnath
01 Aug 2022 Module 1: Slope instability, failure and protection measures Introduction to the training course
Type of slope instability and components of an unstable slope
Causes and mechanisms of slope failure
Slope protection practice and bioengineering
01 Aug 2022 Module 2: Introduction to bioengineering and designing structures with nature Engineering design and functions in bioengineering systems
Bioengineering structures and their design
Site assessment and selection of bioengineering techniques
Selection of plant species for bioengineering
01 Aug 2022 Health Break
01 Aug 2022 Module 3: Programming bioengineering works, rate analysis norms, and standard specifications Bioengineering works for slope protection
Bioengineering maintenance task and seasonal work programming of bioengineering works
Rate analysis norms and standard specifications for bioengineering works
01 Aug 2022 Open Discussion and Announcements
Date Session / Activity Presentation Material Speaker(s)
02 Aug 2022 2 August 2022 - Day 2: Bioengineering nursery construction and collection of materials Shankar Rai
02 Aug 2022 [VIDEO] Day 2: Bioengineering nursery construction and collection of materials
This is a webinar recording of Day 2.
02 Aug 2022 [PRESENTATION] Day 2: Bioengineering nursery construction and collection of materials
02 Aug 2022 Recap of Day 1 Training Session
02 Aug 2022 Module 4: Bioengineering nursery site selection, design and construction Siting bioengineering nursery
Nursery components and size
Nursery layout, design and nursery bed construction
02 Aug 2022 Module 5: Collection of seed and vegetative plant materials Seed collection and storage
Collection of vegetative plant materials
02 Aug 2022 Health Break
02 Aug 2022 Open Discussion and Announcements
Date Session / Activity Presentation Material Speaker(s)
04 Aug 2022 4 August 2022 - Day 3: Bioengineering nursery operations and bioengineering works Shankar Rai
04 Aug 2022 [VIDEO] Day 3: Bioengineering nursery operations and bioengineering works
This is a webinar recording of Day 3.
04 Aug 2022 [PRESENTATION] Day 3: Bioengineering nursery operations and bioengineering works
04 Aug 2022 Recap of Day 2 Training Session
04 Aug 2022 Module 6: Bioengineering nursery operations Compost production and filling polypots
Seed sowing and planting cuttings in nursery
Care of young plant in nursery
Hardening, lifting and transporting to site
Scheduling nursery work and record keeping
04 Aug 2022 Module 7: Site preparations and bioengineering works Site preparation and spoil disposal
Construction of vegetative structures
Practical application of bioengineering works
Application of rate analysis norms and standard specification for bioengineering works
04 Aug 2022 Health Break
04 Aug 2022 Open Discussion and Training Course Evaluation
04 Aug 2022 Closing Session: Asian Development Bank Isao Endo


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