Professor Oon-Seng TAN is Director of the Centre for Research in Child Development at the National Institute of Education (NIE), Singapore. He is an inaugural Chen Yidan Visiting Global Fellow of Harvard University. He is also a Fellow of the International Academy of Education. Prof Tan was previously Director of NIE. He was President of the Educational Research Association of Singapore and President of the APERA. Professor Tan has been an Expert Panel member of the Social Sciences & Humanities Research Fund of Singapore. He is Editor-in-Chief of Educational Research for Policy & Practice (Springer) and Lead-Editor of Asia Pacific Journal of Education (Routledge). Prof Tan's areas of research include teacher education, psychology, and learning. He has authored/edited more than 20 books and over 150 scholarly articles/chapters in these fields. He has delivered keynote addresses globally including the National Science Foundation EHR Distinguished Lecture, AERA Annual Meetings presidential sessions, the Royal Swedish Academy of Science international symposium, and international education ministers’ summits.