Accessing the Green Climate Fund


Accessing the Green Climate Fund

06 February 2018

The Green Climate Fund (GCF) channels public climate financing to help developing countries become climate resilient. It provides grants, loans, equities, or guarantees to climate change mitigation and adaptation projects, especially in countries that are highly vulnerable to changing weather patterns. To date, GCF has assisted three ADB projects. This learning session will familiarize ADB participants with the GCF and the ways they can access it to support water and urban projects in Asia and the Pacific. 

Program and Learning Materials: 
Date Session / Activity Presentation Material Speaker(s)
06 Feb 2018 Presentation Climate Change and Water Projects Towards Bankable Projects
The Green Climate Fund (GCF) is mandated topromote low-emission and climate resilient development in marginalized countries. Since its inception, it has...
Alaister Morrison


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