Bishwa Nath Oli

Adjunct Professor
, Agriculture and Forestry University of Nepal
Profile / Bio: 

Dr. Oli has more than three decades experience in biodiversity, environment and climate change sectors working with the Government of Nepal in different capacities. He has worked as a national consultant with various development partners including the Food and Agriculture Organization. He has served as secretary of different ministries including Ministry of Forests and Environment, Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development, and Ministry of Population and Environment. 

During his professional career, he was directly involved in formulating policies and strategies and legislative frameworks covering areas of sustainable management of natural resources including forestry, biodiversity, climate change, environment conservation, and renewable energy. Dr. Oli has published around three dozens of articles in national and international peer reviewed journals. He has also served as a national focal person in several multilateral environmental agreements including United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Convention on Biological Diversity. 


Title Date Learning Materials Topic
National and International Legislation & Agreements on Nature Conservation with Implications for Linear Infrastructure Projects 25 April 2022 Slides Agriculture and Natural Resources, Capacity Development, Environment, Governance and Public Sector Management, Transport