Main Page: Pacific Disaster Risk Knowledge Series


Main Page: Pacific Disaster Risk Knowledge Series

19 May 2022 to 25 August 2022

Disaster risk knowledge is vital for effectively reducing disaster risk and adapting to climate change. The Pacific Disaster Risk Knowledge Series provided a consolidated overview of knowledge around recent and ongoing activities and innovations on the horizon, strengthening the evidence on climate and disaster risks for more resilient development planning and programming.

Co-hosted by ADB and The Pacific Community, the Pacific Disaster Risk Knowledge Series consisted of four events in total. The first, public and open event, highlighted Pacific views of generating, communicating, and using disaster and climate risk information reflecting experiences from the Republic of the Marshall Islands, Samoa, the Solomon Islands, and Tonga.

Subsequent three peer learning sessions brought together regional experts and users of climate and disaster risk information. The events were tailored to relevant Pacific government staff and other prospective users from Pacific Islands nations and facilitated deeper discussions about:

  • available risk information and key innovations,
  • application of risk knowledge in planning, programming, and operations, and
  • how to maximize the quality and value of risk information through meaningful collaboration.
Program and Learning Materials: 
Date Session / Activity Presentation Material Speaker(s)
04 May 2022 19 May 2022 Disaster Risk Knowledge in the Pacific: Vital Information for Resilient Development Registration closed.
04 May 2022 Peer Learning Sessions Apply here.
04 May 2022 28 July 2022 Peer Learning Session 1: Innovations in Pacific Disaster Risk Knowledge
This session wasthe first of three technical sessions to explore risk knowledge in the Pacific in more detail.Government departments and regional experts...
04 May 2022 11 August 2022 Peer Learning Session 2: Applying Risk Insights in Resilient Development and Adaptation Planning
This session highlighted previous event knowledge of what risk information is available in the region, and look at how those insights are applied in practice...
04 May 2022 25 August 2022 Peer Learning Session 3: Collaborating to Develop Risk Information Including Community Perspectives
This session discussed a better-shared understanding of the value of collaborating to develop risk information to improve the relevance of insights being...


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