Gender and Safeguards

Series: ADB Safeguard Policy Review and Update: Phase 2 Consultations

Gender and Safeguards

24 May 2022 to 27 May 2022

via Zoom

24 May 2022, 10:00 a.m. Manila (GMT +8) / 2:00 p.m. Fiji (GMT +12) 
Consultation with Civil Society and Non-Government Stakeholders in East Asia, Pacific, and Southeast Asia 

24 May 2022, 9:00 p.m. Manila (GMT +8) / 9:00 a.m. Washington DC (GMT –4) / 3:00 p.m. Frankfurt (GMT +2) 
Consultation with Civil Society and Non-Government Stakeholders in North America and Europe 

26 May 2022, 5:00 p.m. Manila (GMT +8) / 2:00 p.m. Pakistan (GMT +5) / 2:30 p.m. India (GMT +5:30) 
Consultation with Civil Society Organizations and other Non-Governmental Stakeholders in South Asia and Central and West Asia  

27 May 2022, 10:00 a.m. Manila (GMT +8) / 2:00 p.m. Fiji (GMT +12) 
Consultation with Government Stakeholders in East Asia, Pacific, and Southeast Asia 

27 May 2022, 5:00 p.m. Manila (GMT +8) / 2:00 p.m. Pakistan (GMT +5) / 2:30 p.m. India (GMT +5:30) 
Consultation with Government Stakeholders in South Asia and Central and West Asia  

ADB’s Strategy 2030’s operational plan for priority two on accelerating gender equality makes specific reference to strengthening gender elements in social safeguards and core labor standards, as well as addressing risks of sexual exploitation, abuse and harassment (SEAH) in ADB-financed projects. These consultations aim to share preliminary findings from a benchmarking study on Gender and Safeguards which looked at how comparator multilateral financial institutions (MFIs) are addressing gender issues in their respective safeguard frameworks.  

Stakeholders are encouraged to share their insights and experiences to help ADB understand where there are potential gaps and convergences in this area, and where it needs to go further in meeting evolving safeguards needs. Feedback received during the consultations will further inform recommendations of the analytical study on gender and safeguards and linkages to the intersectional safeguards needs of women within other potentially vulnerable groups.

Program and Learning Materials: 
Date Session / Activity Presentation Material Speaker(s)
24 May 2022 Summary of the Study Summary of the Analytical Study for the Safeguard Policy Review and Update: Gender and Safeguards English
24 May 2022 Summary of the Study Summary of the Analytical Study for the Safeguard Policy Review and Update: Gender and Safeguards हिन्दी
24 May 2022 Summary of the Study Summary of the Analytical Study for the Safeguard Policy Review and Update: Gender and Safeguards Русский
24 May 2022 Presentation ADB Safeguard Policy Review and Update: Gender and Safeguards
Azim Manji, Bruce Dunn, Madhumita Gupta
24 May 2022 Presentation ADB Safeguard Policy Review and Update: Gender and Safeguards (Russian Translation)
24 May 2022 Presentation ADB Safeguard Policy Review and Update: Gender and Safeguards (Chinese Translation)
24 May 2022 Presentation ADB Safeguard Policy Review and Update: Gender and Safeguards (Hindi Translation)
24 May 2022 Presentation ADB Safeguard Policy Review and Update: Gender and Safeguards (Bahasa Indonesia Translation)
24 May 2022 Videos [VIDEO] 24 May 2022 (10:00 a.m. Manila), Consultation on Gender and Safeguards with Civil Society Organizations and other Non-Governmental Stakeholders in East Asia, Pacific, and Southeast Asia
Safeguard Policy Review and Update (SPRU): This is a video recording of the regional consultation on Gender and Safeguards with Civil Society Organizations...
24 May 2022 [VIDEO] 24 May 2022 (9:00 p.m. Manila), Consultation with Civil Society Organizations and other Non-Governmental Stakeholders in North America and Europe
Safeguard Policy Review and Update (SPRU): This is a video recording of the regional consultation on Gender and Safeguards with Civil Society Organizations...
24 May 2022 [VIDEO] 26 May 2022 (5:00 p.m. Manila), Consultations on Gender and Safeguards with Civil Society Organizations and other Non-Governmental Stakeholders in South Asia and Central and West Asia
Safeguard Policy Review and Update (SPRU): This is a video recording of the regional consultation on Gender and Safeguards with Civil Society Organizations...
24 May 2022 [VIDEO] 27 May 2022 (10:00 a.m. Manila), Consultations on Gender and Safeguards with Government Stakeholders in East Asia, Pacific, and Southeast Asia
Safeguard Policy Review and Update (SPRU): This is a video recording of the regional consultation on Gender and Safeguards with Government Stakeholders...


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