15 years with WWF, currently lead for fisheries and finance of WWF’s Coral Triangle Program working with the SEA and Pacific countries towards sustainable fisheries management strategies to maximize conservation and socio-economic impacts on the ground, building human and ecological systems’ resilience against crises, ensure food security, stable livelihoods and ocean health. 2017 to 2020, member of the core team (WWF US and Institute of Food Technologists) that launched the Global Dialogue on Seafood Traceability (GDST), engaging 70+ seafood industry members in forging a global standard for seafood traceability. Previously with WWF, Marketing and Corporate Relations Director for WWF Philippines, Malaysia, and the Greater Mekong Region, after setting up the Asia Pacific Growth Team (APGT) working with CEOs in 20 WWF offices in AP to grow WWF’s income and influence in the region. Before joining WWF, VP Cards Marketing for Citibank, Philippines, Member Relations Manager, MasterCard International, Europe, Middle East, and Africa Region, based in Paris, Consultant for Business Planning and Environment for non-profits, Program Developer for the Foundation for Community Organization and Management Technology, Philippines, educated BA Literature, Barnard College, New York, trained in Marketing and Risk Management, London.