Kanchana Wanichkorn has joined the Office of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation Policy Council (NXPO) as a Vice President. She has led a team of researchers and analysts to formulate the first national policy framework for higher education, science, research, and innovation, endorsed by the Policy Council and the Cabinet in August 2019. She is currently working on a number of policy initiatives including R&D strategy in frontier technologies, STI strategy for bio-circular-green economy, research & innovation strategy for AI economy. Kanchana also served as a member of the sub-committee on science, research, and innovation of the Senate. Her prior work includes the development of many national policies, including the national STI policy of Thailand 2012 – 2021, national research and innovation strategy, talent mobility and management policy, STI international co-operation and science diplomacy strategy, ASEAN Plan of Action on STI 2016-2025, the reform of national research and innovation system, and the formation of the new ministry of higher education, science, research, and innovation.1