The Sustainability of Asia’s Debt

Series: Asian Impact: ADB Research in Action

The Sustainability of Asia’s Debt

23 February 2022

Slowing growth and government responses to the COVID-19 pandemic have lifted debt levels globally, with developing Asia also catching up in this trend. In the new book, The Sustainability of Asia’s Debt: Problems, Policies, and Practices, 24 renowned experts and practitioners explore the anatomy and dynamics of debt accumulation in Asia, a region whose financial stability matters to the entire world.

This volume explains the role that borrowing has in the behavior of governments, corporations, and households. With its factual, analytical, and practical approach, the book provides rich lessons for researchers and policymakers through deep dives into subregional, country, and sector cases.

This webinar discussed the issues raised in the book, along with possible policy responses to ensure debt trends in Asia remain sustainable.

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