Katy Miller is a Director of the Vatuvara Foundation which was formed in 2016 and registered as a charitable organization under Fiji law. The Vatuvara Foundation is committed to protect and revive oceans in the Northern Lau Group of Fiji through a network of marine protected areas and provide innovative solutions that promote awareness and empower local communities. The Vatuvara Foundation engages in scientific expeditions, initiating educational marine awareness programmes, inspiring young ocean advocates, and building strong partnerships.
Katy is an environmental scientist with expertise in conservation, sustainable solutions, environmental management, and environmental policies. She is a Fiji citizen who has a Bachelor of Science and Arts, with Majors in Ecology, International Relations and Peace and Conflict Studies, She is an expert on the structure and function of Fijian ecosystems including flora, fauna, ecology and diverse landscape processes and how to work within the law and governance systems of Fiji and what is required for climate change management and adaptation.