Junkyu Lee

Chief of Finance Sector Group
, Asian Development Bank
Profile / Bio: 

Junkyu Lee is currently serving ADB’s financial sector operations as Chief of Finance Sector Group. He is an economist of seasoned policy-making experience and knowledge in financial development and stability, and international economic policies. Since 2013, he has been leading policy and operational discussions on Asia’s banking sector stability, NPL resolution and capital market development in ADB. As a former G20 finance advisor, he also has deep policy-making experience of macroprudential policy, capital flows management measures, and financial development policy in the G20 Finance Process, and ASEAN+3 Finance Process.



Title Date Learning Materials Topic
Welcome Remarks 14 November 2023 Document Disaster Risk Management, Environment, Finance
Video: welcome remarks 14 November 2023 Multimedia Climate Change, Environment, Disaster Risk Management, Finance, Water
Closing Remarks 27 January 2022 Document Environment, Finance
Country Case Studies on Resolving Problem Loans in Asia: Crises, Policies, Institutions, and Market Development 11 February 2020 Slides Economics, Finance
Nonperforming Loans in Asia: Determinants & Macrofinancial Linkages 11 February 2020 Slides Economics, Finance