Remittances: Experiences & Lessons from the AFI Network

Event: 7th ADB-ADBI-OECD-ILO Roundtable on Labor Migration: Increasing the Positive Impact of Migration Through Finance and Technology

Remittances: Experiences & Lessons from the AFI Network

18 January 2017
Author / Speaker: 
Eliki Boletawa, Alliance for Financial Inclusion - Other materials by the author

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Remittances have become an important souce of foreign funds for many countries. It has also helped reduce poverty and  improve access to health and education. Globally, India is the largest remittance-receiving country, with an estimated $69 billion in 2015. It is followed by the People's Republic of China ($64 billion), and the Philippines ($28 billion). These countries, along with other remittance-receiving countries, face several obstacles. These include money transfer costs and weak or insufficeint e-payment infrastructure. 

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Type of Content: 
Learning Event


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Remittances: Experiences & Lessons from the AFI Network | ADB Knowledge Event Repository


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