Gretchen Donehower

Academic Specialist
, UC Berkeley
Profile / Bio: 
Gretchen Stockmayer Donehower is a research specialist with the Center on the Economics and Demography of Aging at the University of California at Berkeley and an adjunct senior fellow of the East-West Center in Honolulu, Hawaii. She works with the National Transfer Accounts
project which is focused on understanding the age dimension of economic activity. She is the Principal Investigator of the Counting Women’s Work Project which adds a gender perspective to National Transfer Accounts, including adding the value of unpaid care work to the NTA


Title Date Learning Materials Topic
Mapping the Unpaid Care Economy in the Asia-Pacific Region — Draft Paper 09 September 2021 Document Capacity Development, Economics
Mapping the Unpaid Care Economy in the Asia-Pacific Region 09 September 2021 Slides Capacity Development, Economics