Sources of the Great Recession


Sources of the Great Recession

08 March 2016

Shin-Ichi Nishiyama, then with Tohoku University and currently a Professor at Kobe University, talked about the sources of Great Recession of the US economy. He concluded in his paper that negative bank net worth shock affected the US economy before the downturn of corporate net worth. Troubled Asset Relief Program worked well for financial institutions but not for corporate sector.

Program and Learning Materials: 
Date Session / Activity Presentation Material Speaker(s)
08 Mar 2016 Presentation Sources of Great Recession: A Bayesian Approach of a Data Rich Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium Model with Time-Varying Volatility Shocks
Kobe University Professor Shin-Ichi Nishiyama, then with Tohoku University, in his paper concluded that negative bank net worth shock affected the US ...
Shin-Ichi Nishiyama


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Sources of the Great Recession | ADB Knowledge Event Repository


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