LEAP 5: COVID-19, Nonperforming Loans, and Cross-border Bank Lending

Series: Learnings for Economics and Policy (LEAP) Series

LEAP 5: COVID-19, Nonperforming Loans, and Cross-border Bank Lending

28 July 2021

In the fifth LEAP series, ERCI Director Cyn-Young Park discussed how international banks respond to a rise of their own non-performing loans and those of emerging market borrowers; and how these reactions change depending on their perceived risk exposures and risk management practices (such as the share of US dollars in their balance sheet liabilities).

James Villafuerte of SERC moderated the discussion.

Program and Learning Materials: 
Date Session / Activity Presentation Material Speaker(s)
28 Jul 2021 Presentation COVID 19, Nonperforming Loans, and Cross-border Bank Lending
This presentation gives an overview of the impacts of COVID-19 on nonperforming loans and cross-border bank lending.
Cyn-Young Park


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LEAP 5: COVID-19, Nonperforming Loans, and Cross-border Bank Lending | ADB Knowledge Event Repository


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