Bond Market Guide for Mongolia Launch

Series: Asian Impact: ADB Research in Action

Bond Market Guide for Mongolia Launch

19 April 2021

Mongolia became an official observer of ASEAN+3 Bond Market Forum in 2019. To share the experience and knowledge accumulated under the Asian Bond Markets Initiative (ABMI), the Bond Market Guide for Mongolia was developed along with the ASEAN+3 Bond Market Guide series. The market-specific diagnostics and information can help the market development; besides, it will show the direction of the market to whom interested in tapping into Mongolia’s emerging economy.

Program and Learning Materials: 
Date Session / Activity Presentation Material Speaker(s)
19 Apr 2021 Presentation Importance of LCY bond market development for Mongolia
This presentation gives an overview of the current state of the Mongolian bond market and key building blocks to develop the local bond market.
Satoru Yamadera
19 Apr 2021 Bond Market Guide for Mongolia Bond Market Guide for Mongolia
This guide provides comprehensive information about the local currency bond market of Mongolia, which has been an active participant to the ASEAN+3 Bond...


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Bond Market Guide for Mongolia Launch | ADB Knowledge Event Repository


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