Richard Jones

Senior Scientific Officer
, Met Office Hadley Centre
Profile / Bio: 

Prof. Richard Jones holds a PhD in Numerical Analysis (1984-1988) and a BSc in Mathematics (1980-1983) from Imperial College, United Kingdom. He was a post-doctoral research scientist at Oxford University from 1987 to 1990. Richard has been working at the Met Office since 1990. He has been a Science Fellow and Manager of Climate Information for International Development team since 2012. He manages and coordinates research into generating and applying regional climate information and modelling systems with a focus on climate risk management, climate change vulnerability and adaptation and international development. Prior to this, Richard was manager of the Regional Climate Prediction team (2002-2012), managing a group of 5-10 scientists generating and applying regional climate information and modelling systems relevant to climate change impacts and adaptation assessment for UK government and international agencies. The previous decade, he was a Senior Scientific Officer, providing state-of-the-art regional climate modelling systems; providing and analysing regional climate change scenarios and advising on these as required under contracts for various UK government departments and international bodies.


Title Date Learning Materials Topic
Climate Change, Sea Level, Islands, and Coastal Areas 27 June 2016 Slides Climate Change, Disaster Risk Management, Environment
Climate Change and Hydrology 27 June 2016 Slides Climate Change, Disaster Risk Management
Impacts of Climate Change on Economic Sectors in South Asia 27 June 2016 Slides Disaster Risk Management, Climate Change
Climate Science, Data, and Projections 27 June 2016 Slides Climate Change, Disaster Risk Management