Prof. Zhiyun Ouyang, PhD, is deputy-director of the Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the vice-president of the Ecological-Economic Society of China. Prof. Ouyang’s research interests include ecosystem assessment, ecosystem services, ecosystem restoration, and biodiversity conservation.
In recent years, he has made major efforts to push ecosystem service assessment and its policy applications in conservation, restoration, and land management in the PRC, including development of methods for ecosystem service assessment of evaluation; ecological asset and gross ecosystem product (GEP) accounting; ecosystem service zoning and ecosystem assessment of the PRC; biodiversity conservation and nature reserve management; and restoration of degraded ecosystems in ecological fragile region.
He has published 10 books and more than 140 peer-reviewed papers in Science, PNAS, Nature Climate Change, Ecology Letters, Conservation Biology, Scientific Report, Plos One, Landscape Ecology, and other international journals, and 370 peer-reviewed papers in Chinese Journals.