His Honour Justice Jeffery Shepherd holds degrees in law and anthropology from the University of Auckland, New Zealand. He is admitted to practice in the High Court of New Zealand, the Supreme Court of New South Wales, and the Superior Courts of Papua New Guinea. Formerly a senior partner with the litigation and intellectual property teams at the Port Moresby office of Ashurst Lawyers, Justice Shepherd was appointed a judge of the Supreme and National Courts of Justice of Papua New Guinea on 31 October 2016. He commenced judicial duties on 27 January 2017.
His Honour is a founding member with Justice Ambeng Kandakasi of the PNG judiciary’s ADR Committee established in 2001. His Honour is a fully accredited mediator under the ADR Rules 2010 of the National Court and is assigned to the ADR Track of the National Court. Apart from his role as a civil judge, His Honour conducts Court‑annexed mediations and assists with workshops and training programs for PNG mediators. He is a member of the Rules Committee of the Supreme and National Courts and is adviser to the ADR Committee on matters relating to the implementation of new legislation dealing with international and domestic arbitration in Papua New Guinea.