Digital Entrepreneurship for Economic Resilience

Series: Asian Impact: ADB Research in Action

Digital Entrepreneurship for Economic Resilience

26 May 2021

Nurturing Asia’s digital entrepreneurs’ potential is the key to unlocking economic resilience in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic and the long-term capacity for green and inclusive development. What have we learned from best practices, conducive regulatory environments, and supportive entrepreneurial ecosystems? This Asian Impact webinar discussed the necessary ingredients for the region’s success in digital entrepreneurship. 


After the webinar, attendees: 

  • Learned about the strength and drivers of digital entrepreneurship in the region
  • Understood the challenges facing digital entrepreneurs in Asia
  • Obtained insights on policy environment and potential long-term opportunities 
Program and Learning Materials: 
Date Session / Activity Presentation Material Speaker(s)
26 May 2021 Document Digital Entrepreneurship in Asia for Economic Resilience and Post-Pandemic Recovery: Technical Assistance Report
Technical assistance reports provide the context and background of the project, and provide information on impacts and outcomes, key activities, estimated...
26 May 2021 Presentation Entrepreneurial Resilience in the Face of Covid Covid-19: How Entrepreneurs Contribute to Economic Resilience
This presentation gives an overview of Imperial College of London's mission and shared aboutentrepreneurial resilience framework and processes as well...
Erkko Autio


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Digital Entrepreneurship for Economic Resilience | ADB Knowledge Event Repository


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