Gender-based violence and COVID-19 — Working towards gender-responsive judicial systems


Gender-based violence and COVID-19 — Working towards gender-responsive judicial systems

25 March 2021


COVID-19 pandemic has aggravated pre-existing conditions of violence against women and worsened gender inequalities. The discussion focused on some of the targeted initiatives for responding to increased gender-based violence in the region. The panelists discussed working with the judiciary on reducing gender-based violence and promoting gender equality.

This event is part of ADB's in-house Insight Thursday lecture series.

Program and Learning Materials: 
Date Session / Activity Presentation Material Speaker(s)
25 Mar 2021 Moderator Bernard Woods, Principal Director, DOC, concurrently Director, SPRA, ADB
25 Mar 2021 Panelists Christina Pak, Principal Counsel, ADB
25 Mar 2021 Panelists Mairi MacRae,Social Development Specialist (Gender and Development), ADB


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Gender-based violence and COVID-19 — Working towards gender-responsive judicial systems | ADB Knowledge Event Repository


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