Ms. Pia Bernadette Roman Tayag is the Director of the Office of the United Nations Secretary-General’s Special Advocate for Inclusive Finance for Development (UNSGSA). In this role, Pia leads the team that supports the work of Her Majesty Queen Máxima of the Netherlands as the UNSGSA.
Prior to joining the Office of the UNSGSA, Ms. Roman Tayag spent 18 years at Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) most recently as Managing Director of the BSP’s principal advocacy office for financial inclusion, financial education and consumer protection. In that capacity, she was involved in crafting relevant policies and regulations, building partnerships for financial education, strengthening consumer protection mechanisms, building stakeholder relations and heading the secretariat to implement the National Strategy for Financial Inclusion. She was also active in global discussions on financial inclusion as member or lead in relevant working groups.
Ms. Roman Tayag graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Public Administration from the University of the Philippines and a master’s degree in International Affairs focused on Economic Development from Columbia University. She is also a Fellow in the Fletcher School Leadership Program for Financial Inclusion at Tufts University.