Songhua River Basin Water Pollution Control and Management Project


Songhua River Basin Water Pollution Control and Management Project

01 January 2016

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Life for about three million people in the People’s Republic of China is about to get better with the cleanup of the Songhua River.

In 2005, toxic chemicals spilled into the Songhua River from a petrochemical plant in Jilin Province, which also affected the adjacent Heilongjiang province. The river was declared “not fit for public use” and one of the country’s most polluted. ADB's Songhua River Basin Water Pollution Control and Management Project is helping to reduce water pollution, protect water resources, address water shortages (by recycling effluent), and meet the demand for high-quality treated water through 2015. It also aims to control nonpoint source pollution through effective solid waste management, promote sustainable economic development, and improve the environment and living conditions in Jilin and Heilongjiang provinces. 

This case study was developed by the Asian Institute of Management for the Asian Development Bank.

Geographical Focus: 
China, People's Republic of
Type of Content: 
Project Stories


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