Impact of Covid-19 on the Work of Anti-Corruption Law Enforcement Agencies


Impact of Covid-19 on the Work of Anti-Corruption Law Enforcement Agencies

29 September 2020

The webinar was organized jointly with the OECD’s Anticorruption Network for Eastern Europe and Central Asia (ACN) to identify and analyse corruption-related challenges posed by Covid-19 emergency measures, as well as their impact on the detection, investigation, prosecution and adjudication of corruption. The ACN Secretariat and ACI Secretariat presented the preliminary findings of the regional surveys to of law enforcement practitioners and discussed and exchanged information on measures taken by national authorities and potential good practices in both regions. Distinguished speakers from Malaysia, Thailand, Viet Nam, Romania, and Lithuania presented on COVID-19 related-corruption detection and investigation

Program and Learning Materials: 
Date Session / Activity Presentation Material Speaker(s)
29 Sep 2020 Webinars Impact of Covid-19 on the Work of Anti-Corruption Law Enforcement Agencies
The webinar was organized jointly with the OECD’s Anticorruption Network for Eastern Europe and Central Asia (ACN) to identify and analyse corruption-...


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Impact of Covid-19 on the Work of Anti-Corruption Law Enforcement Agencies | ADB Knowledge Event Repository


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