Jogendra Ghimire

Principal Counsel, OGC


Title Date Learning Materials Topic
Corporate Governance, SOE Reforms and Financial Instruments - Legal Aspects 11 June 2018 Slides Governance and Public Sector Management
The Legal Situation of LGBT People in Asia and Pacific Developing Countries 05 December 2016 Multimedia Gender Equality, Social Development and Protection
Session Video - On the Margins of Development: Asia Pacific LGBT Inclusion Poverty Reduction and Prosperity 05 December 2016 Multimedia Gender Equality, Social Development and Protection
The Legal Situation of LGBT People in Asia and Pacific Developing Countries 05 December 2016 Slides Gender Equality, Social Development and Protection
Session Video - On the Margins of Development: Asia Pacific LGBT Inclusion, Poverty Reduction, and Prosperity 05 December 2016 Multimedia Economics, Gender Equality