David Bloomgarden

PPP Consultant
Profile / Bio: 

A public-private partnership (PPP) expert with over 30 years of global experience in policy, management, and project design and implementation. At the Inter-American Development Bank (IADB), he was the Chief of the Inclusive City Unit where he managed a $44.5 million project in the Latin America and Caribbean (LAC) region developing 40 blended finance investments for SMEs in sustainable business models for urban services delivery. As the Lead Private Sector Specialist for PPPs, Mr. Bloomgarden led the IADB’s Program to Promote PPPs in Latin America and the Caribbean, providing technical assistance to governments to improve policy, project preparation and implementation for sustainable infrastructure. The technical assistance projects led by Mr. Bloomgarden are linked to an investment of $2 billion in PPP projects in Latin America. He was the IADB point person to contribute to the World Bank’s PPP Reference Guide; he developed a PPP Readiness Index entitled “Infrascope” published by the Economist Intelligence Unit to measure PPP institutional capacity in LAC; and reviewed and edited the procurement section of the 2015 PPP certification course published by the World Bank, IADB, and other major multilateral banks. Since leaving the IADB, David has served as a PPP Consultant to the World Bank (Global Infrastructure Facility) and Asian Development Bank advising on infrastructure governance and preparing knowledge products on Quality Infrastructure Investment, Infrastructure Governance, QII and other project briefs for the GIF demonstrating results and value addition.  



Title Date Learning Materials Topic
A Governance Approach to Value for Money Analysis 19 November 2020 Slides Governance and Public Sector Management