Tania Rajadel is an Education Specialist with ADB’s Education Sector Group. She provides strategic knowledge and support to education operations across ADB. Her particular areas of expertise are post-basic education, skills gaps, and employment. She provides policy advice to countries seeking to improve the labor market relevance of their education and training systems.
Prior to joining ADB, Ms. Rajadel worked as a consultant for the World Bank in Washington D.C., where she managed the STEP Skills Measurement project, a program evaluating skills mismatches in low and middle-income countries. Her previous responsibilities at the World Bank included policy dialogue and project design work in TVET, primary and secondary education. Ms. Rajadel also led projects related to youth employment and job creation in post-conflict settings.
Ms. Rajadel, a French and British national, holds a master’s degree in management from the Ecole des Hautes Etudes Commerciales (HEC) and a master’s degree in development economics from the Pantheon – Sorbonne University.