Elderly Care: A Challenge for Asia and ADB


Elderly Care: A Challenge for Asia and ADB

19 February 2015

ADB’s Claude Bodart and Wendy Walker talked about Asia as the fastest aging region in the world, ways to address the demographic shift, the delivery and financing of long-term care, and the broad range of opportunities for ADB. The discussion aimed to find out if ADB is ready to support its developing member countries in meeting this challenge.

This event is part of ADB's in-house Insight Thursday lecture series.​

Program and Learning Materials: 
Date Session / Activity Presentation Material Speaker(s)
19 Feb 2015 Presentation Elderly Care: A Challenge for Asia and ADB
Although there is a prevailing negative view on aging, it creates numerous opportunities for the elderly to become productive and active contributors ...
Wendy Walker, Claude Bodart


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