Asia's Journey to Prosperity—Past, Present, and Post-COVID-19


Asia's Journey to Prosperity—Past, Present, and Post-COVID-19

12 August 2020


ADB’s essential research work Asia’s Journey to Prosperity traces the economic and social evolution of Asia and the Pacific—from a low-income agrarian region in the 1960s to a global manufacturing powerhouse today. With COVID-19 threatening to turn back the clock on that progress, how will Asia get back to its growth path? This webinar explored the underlying factors that can explain Asia’s development performance in the last 50 years, as well as the large variations across the region and time periods. It also discussed the evolution of ideas on economic development that affected policymaking across Asia and extracted crucial policy lessons—particularly on the roles of technology, markets, and policies—to help steer Asia’s recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. 

(Part 6 of the Asian Impact: ADB Research in Action webinar series)


Program and Learning Materials: 
Date Session / Activity Presentation Material Speaker(s)
12 Aug 2020 Presentation Asia's Journey to Prosperity: Policy, Market, and Technology over 50 Years
This presentation discussed a number of drivers for Asia's economic success over the past 50 years, issues that are subject to extensive debate, as well...
Yasuyuki Sawada


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