Thinking Outside the Box: Policy Recommendations for Developing Countries in the COVID-19 era and Beyond


Thinking Outside the Box: Policy Recommendations for Developing Countries in the COVID-19 era and Beyond

11 June 2020


Authorities across the globe are confronting the staggering economic costs of COVID-19. Join us in a candid discussion of Asia’s response to the pandemic, as our expert panel weighs the policy measures taken so far and considers how best to position the region for recovery.

During the webinar, attendees had the opportunity to learn about the different measures implemented by ADB's members, policy constraints unique to developing economies in addressing the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, options for countries to be able to move forward, and specific experiences and policy responses of Bangladesh, Indonesia, Japan, and the Philippines.

(Part 2 of the Asian Impact: ADB Research in Action webinar series)


Program and Learning Materials: 
Date Session / Activity Presentation Material Speaker(s)
11 Jun 2020 No slide presentations


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