Devisari Tunas is the Scenario Coordinator for the Archipelago Cities at the Future Cities Laboratory (FCL) of the Singapore-ETH Centre. Trained as an architect and urban planner, she obtained her Ph.D. degree in Urbanism from Delft University of Technology (The Netherlands) and Master's degree in both “Conservation of historic buildings and towns”, and “Social and cultural anthropology” from Katholieke Universitet Leuven (Belgium). Devisari is currently co-leading several ADB and SECO-funded research projects in Indonesia with Prof Stephen Cairns who is the lead principal investigator, namely in Bandung, Palembang, Semarang, and Makassar. The projects focus on the development of smart systems and a planning tool that aims to help decision-makers to make better informed, integrated, and inclusive planning decisions on the city and metropolitan level. Prior to joining FCL, she worked as a researcher in the Centre for Sustainable Asian Cities and Delft University of Technology.