Nikos Passas

, Criminology and Criminal Justice, Northeastern University
Profile / Bio: 

Nikos Passas is professor of criminology and criminal justice at Northeastern University, and co-director of the Institute for Security and Public Policy. He is also visiting professor at the Basel Institute on Governance; visiting professor at Vienna University of Applied Sciences for Management & Communication’s Center for Corporate Governance & Business Ethics; distinguished visiting professor at Beijing Normal University; professor, distinguished practitioner in financial integrity and senior fellow of the Financial Integrity Institute at Case Western Reserve Law School; head of UN Sanctions Implementation Legal Review Services at Compliance Capacity and Skills International and chair of the Academic Council of the Anti-Corruption Academy in India. 

He received a 2017 Dr. Jean Mayer Global Citizenship Award from Tufts University’s Institute on Global Leadership. He specializes in the study of corruption, illicit financial/trade flows, sanctions, informal fund transfers, remittances, terrorism, white-collar crime, financial regulation, organized crime and international crimes. He has published more than 220 articles, book chapters, reports, and books in 14 languages.


Title Date Learning Materials Topic
Corruption, Security, Illicit Trade: Connecting the Dots 08 December 2017 Slides Governance and Public Sector Management