Minimum Public Health Interventions for Post COVID-19 Lockdown: Lives and Livelihoods


Minimum Public Health Interventions for Post COVID-19 Lockdown: Lives and Livelihoods

01 July 2020

The fourth Policy Actions for COVID-19 Economic Recovery (PACER) Dialogue on “Minimum public health interventions for post COVID-19 lockdown: Lives and Livelihoods” featured global good practice examples of effective public health interventions to kick-start opening up of economies. Over 70 participants including government officials from Southeast Asia and the People’s Republic of China, World Health Organization,  United Nations International Children's Fund and other international organization officials  participated in the Dialogue, sharing knowledge and country experiences and lessons on public health measures taken to mitigate the negative effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and accelerate recovery.

The fourth PACER Dialogue aimed to:

  • promote a better understanding of the options available for a stepladder approach on public health policies, considering different country situations and harmonizing health standards across borders;
  • disseminate global best practices and lessons on sustainable social distancing as part of measures to “bounce back better” from the COVID-19 pandemic; and
  • provide a platform for policy makers and health practitioners to share knowledge and experience and collaboratively learn from each other.
Program and Learning Materials: 
Date Session / Activity Presentation Material Speaker(s)
01 Jul 2020 4th PACER Dialogue – Overview and Objectives Ayako Inagaki, Director, Human and Social Development Division (SEHS), Southeast Asia Department (SERD), Asian Development Bank (ADB)
01 Jul 2020 Minimum public health interventions for post COVID-19 lockdown: Lives and Livelihoods Minimum Public Health Standards in a COVID World
Presentation on global good practice examples of effective public health interventions to kick-start opening up of economies, featuring a stepladder approach...
Jeremy Lim
01 Jul 2020 Open Discussion and Questions Alfredo Perdiguero, Director, Regional Cooperation and Operations Coordination Division (SERC), SERD, ADB (Moderator)
01 Jul 2020 Synthesis and Summary Alfredo Perdiguero, Director, SERC, SERD, ADB


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