H. Lorraine Wang

Former Advisor, OAI
, Asian Development Bank
Profile / Bio: 

Lorraine Wang was an Advisor of the Office of Anticorruption and Integrity, Asian Development Bank. She has almost 30 years of work experience, with over 20 years spent in ADB. 

She led OAI’s outreach activities and proactive integrity reviews.  She also provided support on all aspects of anti-corruption efforts including the development of knowledge products, regional technical assistance, advisory services, and the anti-corruption prevention program.  Prior to joining ADB, she was working for the United States General Accountability Office as Audit Manager where she led several teams that audited government entities.  

She has a Master’s degree in International Studies from the University of Sydney, Australia and a Bachelor's degree in Accounting from the University of Maryland, United States.  She is a Certified Fraud Examiner, Certified Public Accountant, and a Certified Forensic Accountant.  

She left her position in ADB in April 2021. 


Title Date Learning Materials Topic
Anticorruption and Integrity 28 March 2019 Slides ADB Administration and Governance
Anticorruption and Integrity 28 March 2019 Slides ADB Administration and Governance
ADB's Anti-Corruption and Integrity Policy 23 March 2017 Slides ADB Administration and Governance
Lessons Learned from Proactive Reviews 24 March 2016 Slides ADB Administration and Governance
Fraud Concepts and Red Flags 23 March 2016 Slides ADB Administration and Governance
Professional Skepticism 23 March 2016 Slides ADB Administration and Governance
Financial Statement Fraud 23 March 2016 Slides ADB Administration and Governance
Introduction of Overall Agenda 22 March 2016 Slides ADB Administration and Governance
Common Objective of the Office of Anticorruption and Integrity and Standard of Supreme Audit Institutions 22 March 2016 Slides ADB Administration and Governance
Integrity Violations and Indicators 22 March 2016 Slides ADB Administration and Governance
Independent Due Diligence 01 March 2016 Slides ADB Administration and Governance
Procurement Irregularities in ADB Projects and Lessons Learned from Procurement-Related Reviews 01 March 2016 Slides ADB Administration and Governance
Office of Anticorruption and Integrity's Mandate and Integrity Principles 29 February 2016 Slides ADB Administration and Governance
Why Are We Here? 29 February 2016 Slides ADB Administration and Governance
Regulatory Framework and Fraud Concepts 29 February 2016 Slides ADB Administration and Governance
Professional Skepticism 29 February 2016 Slides ADB Administration and Governance
Financial Statement Fraud 29 February 2016 Slides ADB Administration and Governance