Rolf Moeckel is Rudolf Mößbauer Professor at the Technical University of Munich (Germany) since 2015. He is the chair of the SIG F1: “Transport and Spatial Development” of the World Conference of Transport Research Society (WCTRS), and the co-chair of the Transportation Research Board Committee on Travel Forecasting Resources (ADB 45). His past work experiences include working at a consulting firm- Parsons Brinckerhoff in the USA (2007- 2013), and conducting research as a PostDoc at the National Center for Smart Growth at the University of Maryland, USA (2013- 2015). He holds a doctorate degree in Spatial Planning (urban and regional planning) from the University of Dortmund in Germany, and was also funded by the Fulbright Scholarship to study at the University of Washington in Seattle, WA, USA. His research interests include travel demand and land use models, interactions between transportation and land use and analysis of travel behaviour.