Dr. Reihana Mohideen is an electrical engineer leading the work on socio-technical systems applied to the low-carbon energy transition towards inclusiveness and sustainability, at the Nossal Institute for Global Health and the Climate CATCH Lab, at the University of Melbourne, Australia.
Her research examines advanced technology trends in the low-carbon energy transition in low and middle-income countries, as well as the opportunities to simultaneously leapfrog technology and social equity gaps. She completed both a BEng degree in electrical engineering and her postdoctoral studies in renewable energy systems in Asia at The University of Melbourne. She has worked in international development for more than ten years. Reihana chairs the IEEE Standards Association Workstream on Gender Equality and Social inclusion and she is an Executive Committee member of IEEE Standards Association on Digital Inclusion (DIITA). Reihana is the author of Women and the Energy Revolution (Palgrave. 2020).