Mr. Kamran Aliyev Director of the Anti-Corruption Directorate with the Prosecutor General of the Republic of Azerbaijan (ACD) – Deputy Prosecutor General Mr. Kamran Aliyev was appointed as the Director of the Anti-Corruption Directorate with the Prosecutor General of the Republic of Azerbaijan (ACD) on 06 August 2007, with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
In accordance with the relevant legislative amendments in August 2014, the status of the then AntiCorruption Department was upgraded to Directorate and Mr. Aliyev was appointed as a deputy to Prosecutor General of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Mr. Aliyev’s career in prosecutorial bodies began in 1987, when after graduating from Law faculty of Irkutsk State University (Russian Federation) with honour diploma, he was appointed as an investigator to the Zabaykalye Transport Prosecutor’s Office of the Russian Federation, where he later became a senior investigator.
From 1990 till 1993 Mr. Aliyev studied at the Scientific-Research Institution of the Prosecutor General’s Office of the former USSR and in parallel worked as scientific worker at the same institution. In 1993 he finished his research and received Ph.D in law. After he was transferred to the Prosecutor’ Office of the Republic of Azerbaijan and continued his career as prosecutor of the Personnel Department.
Through his career Mr. Aliyev worked as the Director of the Scientific-Educational Center of the Prosecutor General’s Office, investigator and senior investigator of the Investigations Department and the Department on Investigation of Grave Crimes, assistant and senior assistant of the Prosecutor General, head of the Department of the Public Prosecutions.
Fluent in English and Russian, Mr. Aliyev is a member of Azerbaijani delegation to the GRECO and is the National Co-ordinator of the OECD Anti-Corruption Network, as well as a member of the Collegial Board of the Prosecutor General’s Office and Vice-President of the International Association of Prosecutors. Born in Balakan city (Azerbaijan) on 18 November 1965, Mr. Aliyev is married and has two children.
Source: https://www.iap-association.org/getattachment/Publications/IAP-Publicati...(156).pdf.aspx#:~:text=Kamran%20Aliyev%20was%20appointed%20as,of%20the%20Republic%20of%20Azerbaijan