Ian Munt

Independent Consultant
, World Bank
Profile / Bio: 

Ian Munt is a UK Chartered Urban Planner and graduated from the University of Reading, UK with a Masters in Environmental Planning and a BA in Geography from the University of Kent, UK. Over 25 years he has worked with national, regional, and local governments in Asia-Pacific, Africa, Europe, and Central America with a focus on urban planning, governance, and capacity development. He has worked on a range of development projects addressing climate change, risk, and urban planning including in Bangladesh, India, Kenya, Nepal, Philippines, Rwanda, and Viet Nam. In addition to urban planning, his practical urban development experience encompasses project work on capital investment / municipal infrastructure planning, environmental planning and management, and urban institutional and organizational strengthening.


Title Date Learning Materials Topic
Main Presentation of Session 2: Application of an IFRM Approach at a River Basin Level 15 March 2022 Slides Climate Change, Disaster Risk Management, Environment, Water
The City as a Sponge 06 February 2020 Slides Water, Urban Development
Nature Based Solutions - A Component of Integrated Flood Risk Management 05 February 2020 Slides Water
Land Use and IFRM 05 February 2020 Slides Water