Anthony Green

IFRM Specialist
, JBA Consulting
Profile / Bio: 

Dr. Anthony Green has over 35 years of professional experience in all forms of flood risk management in the UK in Asia. Tony has lived in the Mekong region since 2009 and manages the JBA office in Phnom Penh, Cambodia

Tony graduated from Imperial College London in Civil Engineering and then received a Ph.D. in catchment and geomorphological modeling from the University of Nottingham, UK.  The bulk of Tony’s early career was based in the UK, where he specialized in flood modeling and analytics, strategic flood risk assessments, flood defense evaluation and design, cost-benefit analysis, hydraulic engineering, and water resources management.  In particular, Tony was instrumental in the development of the early concept of integrated flood risk management through his pioneering work in the UK on the development of Catchment Flood Management Plans.  A key element of this work has been working within and leading the type of multidisciplinary teams that are required to realize IFRM studies. For the past 10 years, much of Tony’s focus has been on Asia and other developing countries, where he has used his extensive flood risk and geomorphology experience to lead a wide range of IFRM and NBS studies.  This has included extensive work for the Mekong River Commission, where he acted as Chief Technical Advisor on Climate Change and Adaptation as well as IFRM and NBS work in Vietnam, Cambodia, Bangladesh, Vientiane, Laos PDR, Philippines, Suriname, and Panama City. 


Title Date Learning Materials Topic
Main Presentation of Session 5: Outlook for IFRM and Ways Forward 05 April 2022 Slides Climate Change, Disaster Risk Management, Environment, Water
Main Presentation of Session 1: A Country-scale View on IFRM and Applications of Global Datasets 09 March 2022 Slides Climate Change, Disaster Risk Management, Water, Environment
Flood Risk from Dams - TA 9634 Work with IWUMD in Myanmar 06 February 2020 Slides Water
Nature Based Solutions - A Component of Integrated Flood Risk Management 05 February 2020 Slides Water
Understanding Risk: Risk Identification Solutions 04 February 2020 Slides Water