Mark Broomfield is an air quality assessment and management specialist. He is responsible for strategic air quality projects designed to use state-of-the-art air quality modeling techniques to support the development of air quality action plans in cities throughout Asia and beyond. Mark is retained by ADB's safeguards team to provide advice and training on mitigation of air quality impacts of ADB-backed projects throughout Asia and was a key contributor to a strategic air quality policy review for four countries in South Asia.
Mark has a long record of providing support to the UK Government and other bodies since 1992. He has overall responsibility for the delivery of regional air quality modeling studies in support of strategic development planning throughout the UK. He is responsible for complex and challenging aspects of the UK's National Atmospheric Emissions Inventory (NAEI) and Greenhouse gas inventory, and he led the delivery and development of the UK Persistent Organic Pollutants Inventory from 2010 to 2015. Mark is the project director for Ricardo's contract to support Defra in discharging its responsibilities in relation to the UK Pollutant Release and Transfer Register. He works with local authorities, community groups and other stakeholders using health impact assessment and other techniques to achieve consensus on health and environmental issues. He is also a member of the UK Natural Environment Research Council Peer Review College and the UK Institute of Air Quality Management.