Rufus Edwards is a professor of epidemiology and public health at the UC Irvine School of Medicine. Dr. Edwards was awarded the 2009 Joan M. Daisey Outstanding Young Scientist Award by the International Society of Exposure Science. Dr. Edwards' research focuses on human exposure to air pollution emissions and subsequent health effects. These include populations in the industrialized world exposed to combustion byproducts from transportation, wildfires and tobacco smoke and populations in less industrialized nations exposed to emissions from household solid fuel use for cooking and space heating. Dr Edwards was a member of the WHO Indoor Air Quality Guidelines Development Group (GDG) to establish air quality guidelines for household combustion sources, and was lead convening author for the evidence chapter on emissions from household solid fuel use, and a lead author for the chapter on models to link household energy use with indoor air quality. Dr Edwards was also consultant to the WHO to develop the Household Energy Assessment Rapid Tool (HEART) to conduct rapid situational assessments and stakeholder mapping of a country’s readiness to address access to clean energy technologies and has worked with the WHO Urban Health Initiative to identify evidence-based strategies to reduce the burden of air pollution in Accra, Ghana, and Katmandu Nepal. Dr. Edwards was senior international air pollution consultant to UNICEF Mongolia to address effects of air pollution from rapid urbanization on children’s health which included convening a workshop of international experts on air pollution and health in Ulaanbaatar and drafting the 2016 UNICEF report “Understanding and addressing the impact of air pollution on children’s health in Mongolia”. Dr. Edwards was also senior maternal and child health and air pollution consultant to the Asia Development Bank and UNICEF culminating in the 2019 ADB and UNICEF report “Addressing the impacts of prenatal and early life exposures to air pollution in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia”, and was International air pollution consultant to UNICEF Kosovo. Please see the following link for more information on Dr. Edwards’ research.