Taehyung Kim currently works as the Head of Division for Smart City & Transport at the Korea Transport Institute (KOTI). He worked as a Senior Transport Specialist in Transport & ICT Global Practice at the World Bank from the year 2015 to 2017. He earned his Ph.D. at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Maryland, College Park in 2005. Since he joined KOTI in 2005, he has been involved in various research projects related to ITS policy & planning and ITS-related R&D. He has established several ITS master plans as the project manager for various cities in Korea. He also carried out several overseas feasibility studies and consulting projects in developing countries such as Kazakhstan, Sri Lanka, and Viet Nam to set up ITS master plans including freeway traffic management system and bus information system. He also carried out various ITS-related R&D and currently has been working on Smart City R&D focusing on developing core technologies and pilot test of Smart Mobility including mobility as a service (MaaS) and demand-responsive transit (DRT) services.