Experts Meeting on Curbing Corruption in Tsunami Relief Operations


Experts Meeting on Curbing Corruption in Tsunami Relief Operations

07 April 2005 to 08 April 2005

The delivery of humanitarian assistance and reconstruction aid following the tsunami disaster in the Indian Ocean in December 2004 raises concerns about corruption risks both among recipients and donors of the aid. In response, the ADB/OECD Anti-Corruption Initiative in cooperation with Transparency International convened an expert meeting on corruption prevention in tsunami relief operations on 7-8 April 2005. The meeting, hosted by the Government of Indonesia, sought to identify concrete priority measures to be taken by each stakeholder – governments, donor agencies, civil society and private sector organizations – to contain the corruption risks inherent in the swift allocation of large resources.

Download the proceedings here.

Program and Learning Materials: 

currently not available.


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Experts Meeting on Curbing Corruption in Tsunami Relief Operations | ADB Knowledge Event Repository


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