Seminar on Denying Safe Haven to the Corrupt and the Proceeds of Corruption


Seminar on Denying Safe Haven to the Corrupt and the Proceeds of Corruption

28 March 2006 to 30 March 2006
Kuala Lumpur

Enhancing Asia-Pacific Cooperation on MLA, Extradition and the Recovery and Return of the Proceeds of Corruption

Success in the fight against corruption depends more and more on international cooperation. Law enforcement agencies and prosecutors increasingly need to seek extradition of fugitives or gather evidence from abroad in corruption cases. Yet, many practitioners decry weaknesses and inefficiencies in mutual legal assistance and extradition arrangements. The Initiative’s 25 member countries have thus decided to take action to overcome these problems by calling for a high level training seminar on the matter.

The Initiative's 4th training seminar sought to strengthen capacity of practitioners in the area of extradition and mutual legal assistance in investigating and prosecuting corruption; to identify obstacles and problems that arise in practice and to discuss possible solutions; to identify priorities for reform that would strengthen and improve legal assistance and extradition; and to bring together experts and practitioners to enhance common understanding, exchange best practices and establish deeper contacts.

The training seminar was organized in partnership with the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime and with support from the American Bar Association/Asia Law Initiative. It was held on 28-30 March 2006 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and was hosted by the Anti-Corruption Agency of Malaysia

Program and Learning Materials: 

currently not available.


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Seminar on Denying Safe Haven to the Corrupt and the Proceeds of Corruption | ADB Knowledge Event Repository


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