Development with Values: Social Fence Against Corruption


Development with Values: Social Fence Against Corruption

09 November 2016 to 10 November 2016

The ADB/OECD Anti-Corruption Initiative for Asia and the Pacific held its 14th Regional Seminar in Thimphu, Bhutan on 9-10 November 2016. This was held in parallel with the 2nd Meeting of the Asia-Pacific Law Enforcement Practitioners Network.

These meetings were co-organised by the ADB/OECD Anti-Corruption Initiative for Asia and the Pacific and the United Nations Development Programme, and hosted by the Royal Government of Bhutan in co-operation with the Anti-Corruption Commission of Bhutan. 

The 14th Regional Seminar focused on "Development with Values: Social fence against Corruption" and was composed of two main sessions:

  • Credible and Effective Anti-Corruption Agencies; and
  • Improving Integrity and Coordination among Law Enforcement Agencies.

The 2nd Law Enforcement  Network meeting focused on:

  • Mutual Legal Assistance in Corruption Cases.

More details here.

Program and Learning Materials: 

currently not available.


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Development with Values: Social Fence Against Corruption | ADB Knowledge Event Repository


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