2nd Regional Anti-Corruption Conference for Asia and the Pacific


2nd Regional Anti-Corruption Conference for Asia and the Pacific

01 December 2000 to 02 December 2000
Republic of Korea

The Conference held in Seoul, Korea, was the annual conference 2000 of the ADB/OECD Anti-Corruption Initiative for Asia and the Pacific. The Initiative was launched in 1999 at a workshop for countries of the Asia and Pacific region held in Manila under the auspices of the ADB and OECD and attended by 250 participants from over 35 ADB and OECD countries and economies. Its objective is to put in place the framework conditions for effectively combating corruption by identifying appropriate political, institutional, and other reforms necessary for the various participating countries. The participants of the Seoul Conference formally endorsed the ADB/OECD Anti-Corruption Initiative.

The Seoul conference has reported on progress achieved in the region in fighting corruption, focused on corruption prone areas such as tax administration, police forces and public procurement, and laid the groundwork for further partnerships among all players in the region. The two-day-and-half program included presentations by senior government officials, civil society and media representatives and business people, case-studies, focus-groups and roundtables.

More details here

Program and Learning Materials: 

currently not available.


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2nd Regional Anti-Corruption Conference for Asia and the Pacific | ADB Knowledge Event Repository


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