8th Regional Anti-Corruption Conference: Fighting Corruption and Building Trust


8th Regional Anti-Corruption Conference: Fighting Corruption and Building Trust

03 September 2014 to 04 September 2014
Phnom Penh

The 8th ADB/OECD Anti-Corruption Conference focused on key levers for restoring trust in government and building trust by and in the private sector and civil society. Leading global experts from all the relevant disciplines, representing international organisations, leading enterprises and business associations, civil society, and multilateral and donor organisations, shared their experiences on ways to fight corruption and contribute to building trust in governments, private sector, and civil society.

This Conference was designed for policy makers, legislators, compliance practitioners, and civil society and private sector representatives seeking holistic solutions to corruption in Asia and the Pacific. 

Download the presentation here.

Program and Learning Materials: 

currently not available.


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