Greater Male’ Environmental Improvement and Waste Management Project

Event: Resilient Atoll Nations in Productive Oceans

Greater Male’ Environmental Improvement and Waste Management Project

28 August 2019
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This presentation gave an overview of the Greater Male’ Environmental Improvement and Waste Management Project, which will establish an integrated, sustainable solid waste management system in the Greater Male’ capital region and its inhabited outer islands by (i) establishing a modern waste collection, transfer, and treatment using waste-to-energy (WTE)/incineration, disposal, recycling, and dumpsite closure and remediation​; (ii) improving community-based outer island waste management systems; (iii) strengthening institutional capacities for solid waste services delivery and environmental monitoring; and (iv) raising public awareness in reduce, reuse, recycle behaviors. It aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, create a cleaner environment, and improve climate change and disaster resilience while producing a cleaner environment in the Maldives.   


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Greater Male’ Environmental Improvement and Waste Management Project | ADB Knowledge Event Repository


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