Benjamin Graham

Principal Evaluation Specialist, Independent Evaluation Department
Profile / Bio: 

Ben Graham is a Principal Evaluation Specialist in ADB’s Independent Evaluation Department (IED). He is the lead advisor for IED, coordinates its engagement with the ADB Board and Management, and supports evaluation and capacity development work. From 2017 to 2019 he served as Chief Secretary of the Marshall Islands, a Constitutional post wherein he served the dual roles of chief advisor to the President and head of the 3,000-member public service. He led major projects and reforms and chaired the national climate and disaster management committees. From 2012 to 2017 he worked as a Senior Evaluation Specialist in IED and prior to that was as a private consultant in the Pacific region and Washington, DC. He received his Bachelor, MBA, and MPP degrees from the University of Hawaii, Georgetown University, and the Australian National University.


Title Date Learning Materials Topic
Supporting More Effective Development in FCAS and SIDS: What Evaluation Tell Us 19 July 2021 Slides ADB Administration and Governance, Governance and Public Sector Management
Reflections on the Social, Political and Economic Sides of Adaptation   29 August 2019 Slides Climate Change, Disaster Risk Management, Environment
Setting the Scene: Reflection on the 1st Atoll Adaptation Dialogue 28 August 2019 Slides Climate Change, Disaster Risk Management, Environment
Benjamin Graham | ADB Knowledge Event Repository


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